Four Quarters Conditioning Drill


Players line up on the starting line with the field clear in front of them.


This conditioning drill not only provides great endurance, but it also conditions the mental side of the game by building the mindset for players to keep fighting for all four quarters of a football game.

Split into four segments, this drill provides the mental challenge of fighting through four entire quarters, with each quarter getting more and more difficult.

Drill Description

The drill is split into four quarters as follows:

  • 1st Quarter: 4 sprints of 10 yards (10 seconds rest)
  • 2nd Quarter: 4 sprints of 20 yards (20 seconds rest)
  • 3rd Quarter: 4 sprints of 30 yards (30 seconds rest)
  • 4th Quarter: 4 sprints of 40 yards (40 seconds rest)

Allow one to two minutes of rest in between each quarter before moving on.

If you really want to throw your players for a loop, add on an “overtime” and make them run one additional sprint for 100 yards to cap off the practice.

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